Thursday, 9 June 2011

Bedroom Wall Decoration Ideas

Bedroom wall decoration is an artistic concept for which you must understand the concepts of diffuse coloring, secularity, glossiness and the effects that various colors bring about into the environment in relation to space. Different textures give a different feel to the surfaces of materials and choosing a good texture could make the difference between a shaded mated look and an unruly lackluster look. In addition to this, one final concept has to be touched upon that is lighting. All these concepts are explained briefly and will give the reader an idea of what materials, colors and textures to choose.

When choosing a color patter for wall decoration, one must keep in mind the contrast color pattern in conjunction with the ambient lighting. Generally a widely accepted color plan is in a light color background such a cream white or ash grey and this is contrasted with dark colors. Those colors can be dark brown or matte black. Now that we have a contrast combination like this, it would be pertinent to place the dark colors in small packets like decoration shelves or painting that have a dull feel to them and have black matted frames. Ambient lighting can be accomplished be placing small halogen bulbs at the back of the painting or decoration pieces housed in their cabinet sections. The textures chosen for this should be as follows. The wall should be painted with a very smooth finish emulsion, wallpapers should be avoided here, and the decoration pieces with their shelves should be dull and matted. They should not be shinny and glittery. Basically their security level should be kept in check.


  1. Hey..
    very nice..
    The wall art design is looking awesome..
    Its really give a fantastic look to bed room..
    Scavenger Hunt Idea

  2. Your explanation of bedroom wall decoration is very insightful! You do an excellent job of breaking down the key concepts of coloring, texture, and lighting, and how they can all work together to create a certain look and feel in a space. The importance of choosing the right texture to create a desired effect cannot be overstated, as it can make or break the overall aesthetic. And of course, lighting plays a crucial role in highlighting certain elements and creating the desired ambiance. Your ideas would work well in any bedroom, whether it's a modern urban space or a cozy rustic retreat. Adding a "bud light neon sign
    to the room would provide a fun and playful touch to the overall design. Keep up the great work!
